Teacher development for all

Teacher don't have time, money, or digital skills to be continuously learning. In Virgo, we are helping to solve this in a digital platform so teacher can improve their skilss: 1) Time: Our courses are base in a microlearning method, one hour courses from other teachers across the region about a variety of innovative subjects (from project-based learning to social emotional skills, to gender equality education)2) Money: For 10 USD per month, they access to all the online courses. This is usually paid by school's districts, principals or Education Ministry.3) Digital Skills: Nobody taught us to use Netflix, well, Teacher don't need to learn how to use Virgo because it looks like Netflix! This is crucial for our digital equity challenge.affordable training sessions for teacher across Latinamerica.
¿Cuál es tu nombre completo?
Tomás Despouy
¿Cómo quieres que te llamen? (Nombre social o Apellido)
Tomás Despouy
Estado / Ciudad
¿Qué causas defiende activamente?
4 Educación de calidad
¿Cuál es el nombre de la organización que postula?
¿En qué país está registrada su entidad?
Describa su público objetivo?
Directamente a educadores o asistentes de la educación, que solo en Latinoamérica son más de 7 millones de personas. Indirectamente y a raíz de una mejor formación, los niños, niñas y jóvenes que son más de 75 millones en Latinoamérica.
¿Cuál es el impacto directo o indirecto que genera su proyecto?
Directo: Educadores con mejores herramientas para abordar los desafíos de la comunidad educativa y sus estudiantes. Indirecto: Estudiantes con mejor preparación y herramientas que les permitan mayores oportunidades de vida.
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hace 2 meses
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I'm so excited my broken Marriage been restored. My ex lover is back after he left me and our kids for another woman. I was so happy to meet Dr Trust and how he helped many people to bring their lover back so I contacted him to help me too. That was how Dr Trust helped me to bring my lover back. A big thank you to Dr Trust because I never thought my ex lover would be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and the world greatest. If you are here and you need your Ex Lover back or your lover moved to another woman, do not cry anymore, contact this powerful spell caster now. Here’s his contact: Email: drtrustspelltemple@gmail.com WhatsApp: +14242983869 Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/trustspelltemple
hace 1 año